Support Us

A Cappella Joy Chorus is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to music education and performance. Fundraising helps us cover expenses such as coaching, facilities, and travel. Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated! 

Direct Donations

Passive Fundraising

Active Fundraising


Direct Donations

We gladly accept donations of money and in-kind gifts. Donations are generally tax-deductible. We accept donations in person or by mail to A Cappella Joy, PO Box 7043  Bellevue, WA 98008. 

You can also donate using our Venmo:


Remember that gifts to A Cappella Joy also qualify for matching gift funds from many employers, including Boeing, Microsoft, and Starbucks. You can double your contribution!

If you are a member of AJoy, ask if your employer matches volunteer hours. These are hours you may spend outside of rehearsals or performances, participating in board meetings, planning meetings, wreath sales, and garage sales.

Passive Fundraising

There are many ways you can support A Cappella Joy just by shopping, at no additional cost to you!


Fred Meyer Community Rewards

If you have a Fred Meyer Rewards Card, you can link your card to A Cappella Joy online and Fred Meyer will make a donation to us every time you shop using your card! Log in to your Fred Meyer account at (if you don’t have an account, you will need to set one up). Click Community Rewards, enter “A Cappella Joy Chorus” or our NPO ID number, MA802, in the Find an Organization box, then click Enroll.

Shop With Scrip

When you register with Shop WIth Scrip and buy a gift card from one of the leading retailers listed, AJoy will automatically receive a donation. Use gift cards for gifts or everyday purchases, and help us when you shop! Go to and click "Join a Program." Enter AJoy's enrollment number, 6F17D17C66984. Follow the instructions to start shopping.

Active Fundraising

Periodically, we offer products and services to the public as part of our fundraising effort. Please watch our Events page for details. Fundraising events may include:

  • Singing Valentines (February)
  • Chorus garage sale (summer)
  • Holiday wreath and plant sale (November)
  • Singing holiday phonegrams (December)


If your business is interested in sponsoring A Cappella Joy, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss opportunities.