Our Director

Master Director and 2017 Queen of Harmony Nikki Blackmer

Nikki Blackmer, director

Nikki Blackmer (she/her), our director since 2003, can best be described as a dynamo! She is fun, energetic, irreverent, and talented. She expects us to work just as hard as she does, and we are happy to respond. With her upbeat personality, Nikki is a tremendous asset to our chorus. She knows how to bring out the best in each member and the chorus as a whole.

A skilled singer in her own right, Nikki sings lead in Sweet Adelines 2017 Queens of Harmony Frenzy Quartet.

Nikki has used her wealth of musical knowledge and her enthusiasm to help us grow from a struggling small chorus into the fantastic group of award-winning singers that we are today.  In 2015 she joined an elite group of Sweet Adelines Master Directors when Ajoy scored more than 600 points for the first time in competition. 


Nikki holds Master's degree in Vocal Performance from the University of Washington. After graduating, she joined Portland Opera's Young Artist Program, Portland Opera Works. Nikki has been a featured solo artist with the South Australian State Opera and the Wake Forest Orchestra and Choir. 

Nikki is also a full-time voice instructor and coach. She is always looking for new students. You may contact her at [email protected] for more information about voice lessons and coaching or visit Nikki's web site: http://www.nikkiblackmer.com/